Someone's life is on the line?

The story of Esther is an interesting story. The only two Jewish people mentioned throughout the whole book are Esther and her cousin, Mordecai, who took care of her after the death of both her parents. Mordecai and Esther live in a foreign land and become an unintentional target of Haman, a high ranking official who convinces the king to sign a decree “to destroy, to kill and to annihilate all jews” (Esther 4:13).
Esther 4:1-14
The beginning of chapter 4 expresses Mordecai's grieving response concerning the decree that may bring his untimely death and all the other jews. The challenge for Esther mentioned in verse 14 is the parallel challenge for us to push and work to save someone else. A question for us is: Where do we allow the gospel to take us? Will we put our reputation on the line for the gospel to be spread to a friend, a family, or a whole culture of people?
So, where has the gospel taken you? And maybe more importantly, who has the gospel caused you to engage with? Because their life is on the line for eternity. 

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