Delight & Desire
What are your thoughts before you go to bed? Are your thoughts racing about things out of your control therefore building your anxiety? Or do you go through your checklist for the next day discerning all the tasks to be performed? Tough situations and the checklists of our days are unavoidable, but the God who created this earth and the life we experience did not leave us to figure out life on our own. He wants to lead you through life. Allowing God to lead you is not just acknowledging Him, we must delight in Him.
Desire is a strong influencer and many times it is directly tied to our emotions and may be our standard of success. One element of the word “desire” that can be overlooked is the position of being without something or requesting something. So desire could be explained as the focus of what we do not have.
Micah 2:1-2
The pathway of the wicked in this passage lines up with the definition of desire. The wicked long for things that are not theirs and they will cause harm to get what they want. Solomon stated that the wicked can’t sleep unless they have caused harm (Prov. 4:16). Ignoring our desires is not what God intends for us to do either.
Psalm 37:4
Delight means to take pleasure and enjoyment in an object, implying the desirability of the object1. To enjoy something, the presence or possession of something has taken place. How often do you ponder the presence of God with you and the relationship you possess with Him?
Here are some verses to reflect on your actions towards desiring the Lord.
Job 22:26; 27:10
Isaiah 55:2
Psalm 37:11
Psalm 37:11
Desire is a strong influencer and many times it is directly tied to our emotions and may be our standard of success. One element of the word “desire” that can be overlooked is the position of being without something or requesting something. So desire could be explained as the focus of what we do not have.
Micah 2:1-2
The pathway of the wicked in this passage lines up with the definition of desire. The wicked long for things that are not theirs and they will cause harm to get what they want. Solomon stated that the wicked can’t sleep unless they have caused harm (Prov. 4:16). Ignoring our desires is not what God intends for us to do either.
Psalm 37:4
Delight means to take pleasure and enjoyment in an object, implying the desirability of the object1. To enjoy something, the presence or possession of something has taken place. How often do you ponder the presence of God with you and the relationship you possess with Him?
Here are some verses to reflect on your actions towards desiring the Lord.
Job 22:26; 27:10
Isaiah 55:2
Psalm 37:11
Psalm 37:11
- Swanson, James. 1997. In Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Hebrew (Old Testament), electronic ed. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
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