Keep Thinking Of...

What is something that you keep thinking about? Maybe by just asking this question, your stress and anxiety have gone up. Maybe the memory is of a failure, a missed opportunity, or maybe something that you’re worried about achieving. Jesus instructed believers, “Do not be anxious about our life” (Matt. 6:25). Paul also told the Philippian church “Do not be anxious about anything” (Phil. 4:6). The logical next thought can be a swirling struggle to discern how to stop being anxious. Jesus continued to draw his crowd’s attention to nature, pointing to birds of the air that gather without reaping or sowing and they have plenty, and how the lilies dress the field without any toil. In both observations, Jesus points out that humanity is over nature and that all the things we need will be added to us when we seek first God’s kingdom. We will never seek God’s kingdom if we fail to keep thinking of His kingdom.
Paul instructed that the Ephesian church should remember that they were alienated from the commonwealth of God (Eph. 2:11-12). The act of remembering tends to be confined to a moment where our thoughts are consumed with a past event, but the most impactful use of remembrance is to engage a memory to impact our actions and responses because of the Gospel. This process is the expression of gratefulness, which transforms reason and motivation into action. When we remember that Christ became poor for the sake of our salvation, we need to remember that we have become rich because of Him and should live to show love because of Him. Finally, true love is never expressed or given without sacrifice.

Remember the day that God gave you His Spirit and decide in your heart what your grateful response will be so you can take your next step.

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