A Pressed Life

Before God Called Samuel, Samuel was as close to the presence of God as he could be. He was in the Holy of Holies, where the lamp of God was to be kept lit throughout the night before the fire would be fueled by wood for sacrifice during the day (1 Samuel 3:3). The oil for the night was provided by the people according to Exodus 27:20. Olive oil was commonly used by all social classes. It was a part of their diet, it was a central part of the economy, it was a fuel source for lamps, and it was commanded to be given for use in the Tabernacle.
We often feel pressed because of all the things we allow to go on in our lives. The challenge is making sure we are good stewards of everything that comes out of our lives. A steward is someone who manages resources for someone else. Eli and Samuel were in the ultimate position of being stewards of God’s word. When God spoke, they spoke, and they lived their lives ready to serve on God’s behalf.
God gives everyone on earth a different amount of time, treasure, and talent. He does not require the same amount of those elements to be given by everyone, but He does require that some be given. The best way to discern the amount to give is to do everything with a willingness to be ready and able to give something to the Lord. Give to the Lord what you have decided in your heart (2 Cor. 9:7) and live in such a way that you are pressed by life through living out His standards rather than the standards of your own desires (Psalm 119:112).

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