Rejoice in the Lord

There is a perspective of approaching Jesus that many of us neglect taking advantage of. Psalm 119:14 says “I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimony,” (New American Standard Bible). There could be a number of reasons that cause us not to look at Jesus with enjoyment or a feeling of being entertained, which is what that word means. I think it goes back to our failing to have faith like a child.

My children are all at that young stage where they see parents around for their entertainment, and maybe even everyone for that matter. I have experienced that inner battle of selfish-check list verses growing the relationship with my children by experiences. They call out ‘mom, dad will you come play with me’ and their joy isn’t contingent on what they’re playing with but who they’re playing with.

I think we as believers are a little more focused on praising God because what and who He has put in our life. By doing so we slowly choke out the relationship, and become guilty of the words of Paul: “worshiping and serving the creature rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:25).

Find that joy of being welcomed by Jesus, and the hunger that kept you with Him.