Hope With Action

Our hope in Jesus Christ should always run parallel to our actions. Too often people express their hope in something, but have little to no effort towards the goal of their hope. This produces a problem, that is glaring to others around us but maybe not to ourselves. When our actions do not head in the same directions of our hope it leaves our hope at mere sentiment; nice words towards a horrible and impossible situation too over come. This is not the claim of the hope in Jesus Christ that we believe and live for.

The actions Jesus were scrutinized by the leadership of His day. Jesus told Nicodemus that “whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his work have been carried out in God.” (John 3:21). This type of boldness comes from a life headed toward the same goal of one’s hope.

Luke 2:46-52

Jesus was unknowingly left as a young boy in Jerusalem and then found three days later asking and answering questions among the priest. Jesus was the great example not because he came to live a life as a God amongst mankind, but He lived learned and grew in favor of God and man that His actions would present the hope that He would eventually offer to all of mankind. Live a life that gains more knowledge about Jesus so you can live a life that reflects the hope that He gives.