Truth will always take you forward

Jesus said that we need to worry only about today and that each day has enough worry of its own. As we strive to live out each day according to His will we can only press into His will by knowing that we can always go to Him while also knowing the truth of how God engages us.

A lot of people stay curious about how God interacts with His people. They stay curious because they don’t trust what God says, but David had the experience and recorded that God instructed and taught him in the way that he should with His eye on him (Psalm 32:8). It is so good for kids to preform under the watchful eye of their parents. Maybe one of the biggest fact about raising kids is that they are more prone to succeed in life if both mom and dad take an active part in their life. And right here God promises exactly that.

For this experience to take full affect we must hold God as our hiding place for rest and peace and the strength to be delivered out of our time of trouble (Psalm 32:7).

In whatever trouble your day may bring, make sure you bring this truth into every trouble that entices your mind to think that you can’t make it through it. Because God is desiring that you to count on Him to receive strength.