
Jesus told his disciples to be shrewd. His words were “be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves” Matthew 10:16. Having faith in Christ defiantly leads to let God provide for our life, but there is a level responsibility and wisdom that we are to obtain and pay attention to as uniquely created being. This tension is where we align our will with God’s will and truly have communion and simple communication with Him.

1 Samuel 16:1-13

During the reign of king Saul in Israel. Samuel received a challenging instruction since God had taken His approval from Saul. God told Samuel to go the Bethlehem and there he will anoint the next king of Israel.

Samuel was much like a top ranking government officially who would be noticed when he went from place to place. Those movements were very particular and had purpose. It’s very likely people would have noticed him carrying the oil to anoint someone. Samuel being aware of this asked God how he could do this without being killed by Saul.

Samuel’s ability of consideration not only may have saved his life, but also furthered his connection with God. I wonder how often our own consideration could impact the lives of others if we would only think further than the steps it takes to accomplish a deed, but considered God’s Word and the impact on the lives of others.