Guard Your Steps

Have you ever thought of the moment when a good thing becomes bad? I feel like most of the time we never really catch the actual moment when something turns bad. For example that moment we’ve all realized that we’ve gained 30 pounds and don’t realize your affinity for bread, pie and all things that motivate us too eat, because we like the taste.

Believe it or not what we do at church can become evil. Solomon warned that we should “guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To Draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil.” Ecclesiastes 5:1. We should always come to church to listen to God and allow our heart to meditate on God’s word so that our thoughts will follow God’s Word rather than our life simply following our thoughts.

When we direct our thoughts and actions towards God, there never fails to be a battle of distractions with other things that legitimate and need our attention in life. But too many times we allow those things to overshadow the power and presence of God which will cause us to feel all alone in this life.

Pray for a clear focus from God and allow His Spirit to lead and speak into your life as you read through His word striving to reflect your life to His commands.