Give Grace

Our day to day life needs to be impacted by the grace that we have received. I believe that our worship we give to God will not feel like a chore or something that we do not have enough strength for, when we allow God to define the grace that we need.

Paul writes that in Christ we have redemption and the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of God glorious grace, that is lavished upon us (Ephesians 1:7). I think we get distracted from the grace of God by defining what grace is for ourselves and if we need it or not. We allow our imagination to run wild with what we want and therefore stop being motivated by what God has truly given to us.

In the next verse he said that grace has been lavished upon us. It was never a question if we needed it, God knows we do. That word lavished means that we have been give more than enough. Enough for our problems and and enough to motivate us down the path of life, but if we don’t realize this we will not share it with anyone around us and our worship to Him will dwindle until it dies.

I think we would be amazed how our worship to God is affected by the life that we live towards others. If we would live to give grace to others we will give life and strength to the worship that we give to God.

If you will finish reading the sentence that started in verse seven, you will find out that sharing this grace is the pathway to finding God’s will and purpose (Ephesians 1:7-10).

Pray for opportunities to extend grace to others on purpose.