Believe God

I just have one little mental challenge for us today. Have you ever thought of faith as being payment for your actions? This idea isn’t really too far fetched but this idea will lead you to live in such a way that you expect your faith to grow.

Sometimes people stall-out in their faith because they feel lost and want the big idea of where their faith will take them in this life and the reality is we really don’t know. Leading a life of faith is really a life that is about taking a lot of little steps that will actually take us to a lot of places not just to one place.

The verse I want to highlight today is Romans 4:3. In the passage where this verse is found, Paul is trying to sway people away from the single idea of upholding the laws of God as though that is the only thing that keeps us right with God. The two words I would like to point out to you in this verse are believe and counted.

The actions that Abraham did were all based off of him believing God. If we lead our lives based out off of believing God, we would see God as a part of our lives, and not distant, or even punishing our actions. These actions have no limit of joy you would experience or places you would go.

Like Abraham our actions would reflect the righteousness of God as well as build our faith in God. The word accounted in the Greek actually means to deposit in someone’s account. If something has been deposited in my account I can now use it and get to experience the strength that it contains.

So if you want to grow your faith, start living out what you believe in God, if you don’t know what to believe, your only true source is His word and it being lived out in your life.