Foundation of Your Thoughts

An argument is only an argument when someone else has an apposing thought that conflicts directly with the outcome or process of your reasoning. In Luke 9:46-48 we see the childish argument of who is the better disciple. It is clear that the thoughts of the disciples were all selfishly rooted in themselves. We probably all spend too much time daydreaming about what we want to accomplish, which can really be a disguise for our seed of selfishness, which can quickly give birth to anxiety of what is come in our life. This excitement from human ambitions is notorious for neglecting the prophecies and callings of Christ. Therefore our reasonableness to chase the betterment of our families in social position or comfort is a deceiving path of life that never ceases to be enough.

The challenge of our faith is to place our reasonableness in the coming of Christ for everyone around us to see. When we do this we find the path of peace for our life, because we know and experience the God of heaven who provides a future of hope and glory for us through the return of Jesus. This path is fortified by thinking of what is true, honorable, excellent and praise worthy (Philippians 4:4-9). Learning that Christ is the standard of all these attributes will allow us to settle the turmoil in our hearts that produces volatile character and moments in our life.

Today pray for the strength to practice what we learn from Christ, so we can feel the strength of God with us.