
What if your reliance on others was more than just for a job. (Ever job has a reliance on another individual needing something, which provides a livelihood to the provider and sometimes the receiver as well.) But what if you needed everything from those merely passing by you? And on top of that, what if your perspective of life was in utter darkness. Not only do you need the necessities of life, but you’re at a disadvantage because you can’t even see where to get out of the way or even find a way to build or protect your life. So you just end up sitting and waiting. 

As you sit, you’re waiting for an opportunity to drop in your lap or someone to see your capabilities and acknowledge that you have something to offer. Maybe it’s an industry or a boss, your parents or maybe it’s even God who you’re waiting on to give you an opportunity. Everyday the birth of your hope is immediately met with its death because people, or those key individuals keep passing by without a glance in your direction (it’s not that they can’t see, it feels like they won’t see, which feels like rejection without ever asking). 

Luke 18:35-42

The blindman in this passage showed so much determination getting the attention of Jesus, but what he had to do was stop begging from others and be persistent in seek Jesus with his problem. Sometimes our persistence is a mere one time offer and following Jesus has to be a daily decision, not a one time post on the feed of our life.

Another perspective of the beggar was the control he had even in desperation. He honored Jesus by calling Him by the Messianic title “Son of David”. How often do we lose respect towards others who didn’t hurt but have the ability to help us. He let the knowledge of Jesus set the parameters of what he asked from Jesus. The thirty-fifth chapter of Isaiah express God will do for us and particular Isaiah 35:5 claims that Jesus will open the eyes of the blind.

So let your determination be motivated by God’s and your desperation be guided by the promises given from God.