
Jesus calls us the salt of the earth (Matt. 5:13), which we all know to connect to being the flavour and preservative of the earth. These two characteristics are a daunting task if you think of the ramifications to be implied. We will add enjoyment to life as well as adding strength to society to be able to persevere because it is the purpose of our life as believers.

The main point that Jesus is getting at in Matthew 5:12-16 is for us to be used for the purpose of impact the lives of others, but if our purpose is lost Jesus foreshadows a destructive outcome to be trampled over by others. I think living a life with a lost purpose can run parallel of a life with a purpose, but in the end there’s no fulfillment or joy expressed. So instead of a meaningful impact to teach others the experience is merely being used by others to achieve their own fulfillment apposed to learning that there is a God who loves them and deserve to praised by them.

So let your purpose and talent be enjoyed by others and help others so that your life will be pleasing to the Lord and not your need for acceptance which will leave you empty.