Root of Righteousness

It is probably safe to say that most of the actions or steps we take in life are planned to lead our life or our family towards a goal. God has given us all a brain and particular interest that allow us to experience our own particular joys and blessings from God. There’s a challenging verse in Proverbs that we should pay close attention to. Because it will keep us from flirting with the path of wickedness that can be hidden just beneath surface of life. You see the wickedness and evil of Satan does not have to destroy us to win, it just has to entice us to be distracted with our own life.

Proverbs 12:12

When wickedness is hidden in our lives I believe we are enticed with the spoils or fruit that belong to others. When we look at the fruit of other people they’re not always wicked and evil but rarely do they lead us down a righteous path that causes us to acknowledge God more. Which is the path of someone rooted in the righteousness of God.

If you think about the root portion of the majority of plants or trees it is under ground and for a particular purpose, four to exact. First it’s an anchor for the plant to keep it in place. Even some of smallest of weeds in our yards take a decent amount of force to pull up. When we stay in the path of God’s righteousness we’re not enticed to chase after fruit that is not ours. Secondly it absorbs water and minerals to help grow the plant. Thirdly some roots have a secondary anchor system that that can attach a vine to a trellis or even along the ground. Lastly the root is for food storage. The plant doesn’t need to go anywhere but it has all it needs if it’s in the right place.

Living in the panhandle of Texas we know that everything that grows around here needs someone to water it. Other places don’t have to worry so much about plants getting enough water to grow or a life having plenty of opportunities to choose from. Some places just have more elements of life around them. But living a life like a root focusing on the righteousness of God, allows Jesus tend to us with His promise found in Matthew 6:25-33. Jesus tells not worry about things and trust He will provide. The root doesn’t worry about what fruit is produces, it just goes through the process with what it’s been given.