Following the Father

How do you think you know you are fully following God? In our current culture a lot of people tend to have their own way of answering this question. Their foundation to their answer is simply that it’s their own answer rather than reflecting and leading their life to glorify the Lord. Although making sure your life is glorifying to the Lord is definitely an easy way to answer this question, but for someone who is new to following God we need to know what it is that is glorifying to the Lord.

King Josiah maybe one the unsung great leaders of Israel. Many people might remember him because he became king at the whopping age of eight years old. But his love for the Lord lead his life and his kingship of Israel.

One great thing he did was ordering the ark of the covenant to be put back in the temple that Solomon built. You might wonder why was even moved in the first place, historians speculate that king Hezekiah had it moved for repairs of the temple and with the poor leadership and idolatry of king Manasseh who followed Hezekiah it’s no surprise it was not put back.

The ark was the presence of God with His people, and before Moses died he commanded the Levites to take this book of the law and put it by the side of the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there for a witness against you (Deuteronomy 31:25, 26). Before Moses commanded this, God told him that the people would whore away after other gods of the land after his death. That means they forgot of the great leadership and success that came to them as the Ark of the Covenant went before them in the desert and in battles.

If we are going to keep God in front of us like king Josiah placed Him in front of the Israelites, we must first do what Josiah did first. We must walk in the ways of those who go before us and were faithful to God(2 Chronicles 34:2). Hebrews 13:7 tells us do the same in the New Testament church. Secondly we must also seek God for ourselves not just listen to those who can speak great words of encouragement, we must seek to be encouraged by God ourselves. King Josiah did this early on in his leadership while he was still a boy (2 Chronicles 34:3), interesting that Jesus tells us to have faith like a child, maybe we need to seek Him like a child seeks information, questioning everything we can, but asking our heavenly Father and not just someone standing around us.

Pray and seek God daily and you will strengthen your ability to follow God.