
The verbiage found in the Bible can really paint some clear inspiration for us direct our lives, but our progress forward can be focused in the wrong area. As much as we all want to be blessed by God we can focus our effort on doing good things but many times those good things tend to be focused on just ourselves. When we run into this the only way to refocus on God is to pay attention to what God’s Word says about being rooted.

It is the root that produced ability to shoot up green and color plants, and the the Bible expresses that our life can produce desirable fruit as well. If our faith continues to stay rooted in righteousness (Proverbs 12:3; 12) we will always bear fruit and enjoy blessings from God.

Being rooted in Jesus has a massive impact on our lives, but I would like to highlight a few things that signify we are staying rooted in Jesus. As much enjoyment we get from the work of the root we should never take our focus off the work of the root. God express that the remnant of Isreal shall take root downward and bear fruit after time discipline, because they lacked in focusing on God (2 Kings 19:30). So we really need this focus of leaving a wake ok blessing behind us rather than bulldozing over others leaving a wake of destruction or remnants of a blessing for others behind us. This is only done by focusing and tending to the root.

The wake of blessing that we leave behind is still paid attention too, in fact we should be accessing the strength of the group of believers that are around us, because of what could be taking root in them (Deut. 29:18). The hard reality is that the end result of the wrong and poisonous root is that there is still fruit produced but as some fruit looks appealing its poison is destructive.

Maybe the best outcome of staying rooted is the ability to have discernment and not simply judgement. Regardless of wether we are discerning our own fruit or the fruit of others, discernment will always find the right path forward (Romans 11:18). Judgement is ability proclaim something is wrong but not necessarily provide but implicate a correction direction, usually it is too late to choose the implication correction. Discernment from the Lord will never lead you where God cannot get you through.