Wisdom's Cry

Throughout the Scriptures there are times where people are only given two options. We know the big ones like going to heaven or hell mirroring that of those in the Old Testament who believe in the God of the Bible, Baal, or some other god. King Solomon presents a similar decision in Proverbs 9 and it’s those who want to gain wisdom or experience folly.

There are just three simple perspectives I would like to point out about this contrast, which should make us aware but also confident that we are choosing wisdom.

Solomon depicts both wisdom and folly as two different women inviting people to a gathering. The first thing we need to know is that both invites can be found at the exact same location, maybe even at the same time. They both send their maids to the highest places in towns, much like a town square where you know most people would at least pass by. The lesson here can be don’t just blindly trust those who say they are for your good.

The next thing we need to be aware of to confirm we are choosing wisdom, is the stance of our character. People who want to gain wisdom are humble, teachable, and willing to be corrected. In Proverbs 9:9 Solomon said that if you instruct a wise man, he will still be wiser. How often are we trying to show people that we are wise by trying to out-perform others. But the character of someone seeking folly responds with an insult and trying to defame the one giving correction or instruction.

The last element to be aware of is what goal do we have for what we want in life, which can be deceptive and quickly destructive. The difference between them is that wisdom gives the result of life and longevity and folly merely gives the quick experience at the cost of life.

Our focus on God can fully be distracted by something we want to experience. In fact we will flat out ignore God and those around us that follow Him, because of something we want. Make God the delight of your heart and allow the creator of the universe to be your provider.