
The story of the rich young ruler is probably a story that many of us think that we are unable to relate too, but there’s more similarities than we care to admit. It’s always a challenging thing to imagine, ourselves being in the top one percent of the wealth in the world, but it’s true. It’s widely accepted that the United States waivers back and forth between the top three spots of wealthiest nations. So we’re all relatively rich due the amenities that are available to us, maybe just not rich enough to go travel the world and see it for our eyes, but we are rich.

Maybe the element that we can closer relate too, is the dishonesty perspective that we hold about what is good enough, particularly for ourselves. The ruler calls Jesus a “good Teacher”, and Jesus practically points out that the ruler that he either fully knows who Jesus is or he doesn’t quite know the weight that he has just expresses towards Jesus by calling Him good. Obviously the ruler is lacking some wisdom, by asking Jesus how to enter heaven. And he is also assuming some knowledge of Jesus’ position but obviously lacking in the entirety of the position Jesus.

I think we can see a little of the weight with the response of Jesus claiming that only God alone is good, but we might even brush over that statement because we tend let the word “good” reflect a standard of something being merely satisfactory or acceptable. But in that culture good was used to reflect the standard of God and God alone. There are a list of Psalms that express God as good and instructing the sinner (which is all of us) in Psalm 25:8. Another famously known verse is, taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed in the man who takes refuge in him (Psalm 34:8). And not only is He good but there is no end to it (Psalm 86:5; 106:1).

Our dishonest perspective comes into play when we think we need to gain a little more before we can share the good things we have with others. This picture is easily displayed with how we give back to God through our tithes, but we’ve already been given Jesus. So how often are we seeking opportunities to share and encouraging others the to find out who he is for themselves.

Release the pressure from yourself to learn more before sharing, rather generously share what you know and have experienced through God, with others. Jesus said to let your good works be seen by others so that they may glorify your Father in heaven. Ask Him for knowledge to do this, knowing that you don’t know it all and you will see an impact of God in others. being able to do this is to know and acknowledge that “every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above” James 1:17. This will keep us building His kingdom and not out earthly kingdom.