God's Goodness

As we enter into passion week, there’s a perspective that needs to be accepted by us, that everyone can come and experience the goodness of God. Paul wrote that every believer has a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in them for the common good (1 Cor. 12:7). This means that we should work for the common good to the best of our strength and ability.

This perspective was not accepted or yet even discerned by the Jews of Jesus’ day or His disciples. In fact He tells a parable about the servants of a nobleman (A.K.A christians) who were to do business and build His wealth (A.K.A. His kingdom) before He was to return. It’s recorded that the Jews and the disciples thought that God’s kingdom was to appear immediately (Luke 19:11) and take away the Romans authority that they had over them. But God has work for every believer to do before the coming of His kingdom.

When it comes to the common good, we should have a perspective to endure for someone else. Paul explained to Timothy how he endured everything for the sake of the elect (2 Timothy 2:10), who ever that may entail. This means that we should be willing to endure for others so that see that we care. One of my college professors always said “we should earn the right to be heard so we could tell the gospel”. He didn’t mean earn several theological degrees so people would have to decipher our speech with a google search, but rather show them that we care for them and when that time of sharing the gospel would come they would listen.

As remember what Christ endured for us, we should pray for God to allow us to care for others that we may encourage them to know and accept God’s goodness.