Psalm 37

The Path of Life

The faithful, the righteous and the blameless are those who the Lord blesses. The challenge is not to merely have one of the characters present or mastered in your life, but to have all of them ever-present in your life.

King David contrast these attribute with those who are wicked. Just as we question today, how mean spirited, cruel and selfish individuals could be so successful today, David encourages believers to trust in the Lord and to commit our ways to the Lord (Psalm 37:1-7). Verse seven may be the verse we need take to heart. “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices.” David continues to with carnal drive in us to compare, “though you look carefully at his place he will be there no more. But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace” (Psalm 37:10-11).

So much of what our eyes see around us is disheartening to our spirit. We would almost even be so bold to say that the wrong people are in the right places. I would encourage you read through this Psalm because, it gives assurance that the God will sustain the righteous in times of famine, as well as keeping shame from being experienced during the evil times and will fight the biggest of battles for us when they seem leveraged against us from the start.

I pray that the present reality is not the loudest voice in your mind, but the call of God to be faithful, righteous and blameless to receive salvation, a stronghold and provisions for life.