Stand Firm in Faith

Scripture says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and because Jesus is a part of the Godhead we attribute that same statement to God as well. But I think some believers have a hard time defining and holding onto this statement because we fail to identify the principals and paths in which God has moved in the past and still does today.

In Isaiah 7:1-9 king Ahaz and the city of Jerusalem were being attacked by other Israelites partnered with another foreign people group. This is probably the hardest scenario of all, when there is an internal battle with a particular group of people and one side has outside support. This can be departmental to the firm foundation in which you stand to live. The same was true of king Ahaz and the inhabitants of the city. They were holding strong and fighting off the attacks, but their grip on where God had placed them and the promise of that placement was slipping when they realized there was foreign support with their opposition (Isaiah7:2).

Identifying this one act of God can keep us firm in our faith of Him as we live in the same world king Ahaz did and with the same type of evil opposition he had, the opposition of humanity partnered with foreign powers. The one thing God did was give the king a messenger with knowledge of the end of their opposition.

We can only stand firm against the schemes of humanity as well as the schemes of Satan by knowing the knowledge that God gives us about their end. The power of this knowledge from God is that it give birth to the way of faith. The knowledge that God spoke through Isaiah ended with a call to stand firm in faith, not their comforts or accomplishments but having faith that God would be true to His word over them and no one else's. Listen to the message of Jesus and live for the life that is to come in His presence.