
In life we are always looking for opportunities. Maybe more often than we should be. I believe our bodies have been wired to crave something, and we seek out opportunities for what we allow and make ourselves crave. Some people crave attention others might just crave stuff and some just want to be seen as the hero in the eyes of others. I think the opportunities we look for and crave both on hinge on how we approach honor. We are either looking to get it or give it.

David was informed about the death of king Saul and his sons including his close friend Jonathan by a young man. Considering the approach of seeking honor or giving honor, this could have been seen as a prime opportunity for David to assume the position as king that he had already been anointed to be, years before. But the focus of David was to give the honor that he already possessed not to seeking more honor thinking that he might give more honor later.

2 Samuel 1:19-27 

Some might try the argument that you must get it in order to give it, but those who were elevated to leadership for the longest and strongest times of Israel history seem to given honor without any effort from themselves but rather leaned on their relationship with the Lord.

2 Samuel 1:5-16

The young man who thought he was given an opportunity to help the current king escape torcher and then help transfer honor to David as king ended up paying with his life. In our culture it is entirely too easy to give all of ourselves to a desire that we think will give us honor. Rather we should give all of ourselves to God and desire only the honor from Him.