Keep Your Heart

Solomon wrote that the heart is the well spring of life and we need to keep it with all vigilance (Prov. 4:23). Our heart is truly where decisions of our life are developed. In Luke 8:9-15 Jesus explains the purpose of parables and goes into greater detail about the four different soils or hearts which the seed of the gospel falls. If we keep watch over what and who we allow into our heart, we can experience the fruit of the Spirit that causes us to enjoy life.

The first type of soil is the wayside. It might really easy to interpret the wayside as simply the side of the road, but it’s actually the road that goes in between fields. The more traffic you let on the path the harder the ground becomes. Keeping our hearts with vigilance comes by keeping God’s Word for the protection and direction. We’re not strong enough to handle everyones problems, if we were we wouldn’t have problems of our own. Satan is hard at work trying to steal the joy we need and want in life. Keep God’s Word around your heart to know who you should be letting in.