Your Father...

There is a short moment in the early life of Jesus. In Luke chapter 2, He gets left in Jerusalem after the Passover feast. The response from Mary is a subtly interesting when they found Him, when she said “Son, why have you treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.” (Luke 2:42).

The interesting part to me is when she says “your father”. Jesus is twelve years old and about to become of age to make His own religious decisions according to Jewish culture. But I think Mary forgot about the initial instructions she received from an angel concerning Jesus and Him being the holy Son of God.

In this season we remember the birth of Christ and it stir up the reminder of what will come from Jesus to the world. But when we forgot that God holds the position of Father we’re tempted to elevate our position and desires passed where they should be and grabbing control of everything we can. Be careful never to forget or strain the relationship of God being your father, because we will not understand special moments in our life and therefore miss the impact they could have on our life or the impact you could have on someone else's life for the gospel.