The Confidence From God's Word

The best thing that we need to be thankful for is truly the power of God moving inside of people and producing actions that cause and compel us to intercede and impact others. In Acts 9:10 and Acts 10:1-7 we see two individuals who clearly lived a life that was fearful and faithful to God.

Ananias showed maybe the most human response to the Lord, because of his honest and fearful hesitation. But it is interesting to notice approach to his vision of the Lord by his willing response of “Here I am Lord” ready to do whatever you ask. Cornelius in the next chapter responds in much of the same way with his fearful but confident response of “What is it Lord?”. It seems like both of them knew God’s Word so well it was guide forward in their life and not just knowledge of what to avoid in life.

So many times it seems like Christians are known and only express what they can’t or wont do, because it displeases God. We need to know that God’s Word calls us to action and expression of joy that we receive from Christ. This joy is found as we stand on God’s Word knowing He has something for us, and not just a check-list of what we need our life to avoid.

Have joy and thanks today knowing that each and everyday God has something for you.