
Jesus gave all those who followed Him at the beginning of His ministry nine things that would lead to a fortunate life. There’s not many of them that would make into a self-help book today, especially the first couple. Being poor in spirit may lead us to think we have a bleak future and mourning is never something we want to experience.

As I was reading through the beatitudes from Jesus I was inclined to think of the opposite of these nine statements. And as I identified the opposition to these nine beatitudes it allowed me to see the opposition my faith has in my own mind. I think maybe more of the opposite is currently in my life and not just in it, but building it. Some of them being experienced just days or hour ago.

  • Poor inspirit vs always wanting to be alive and thriving.

  • Full of mourning vs having everyone they want.

  • Being meek vs bold and demanding

  • Hungering for what’s right vs feeding every selfish desire

  • A mercy giver vs a problem identifier and expresser.

  • Desiring to see things done right vs means justifying the end results

  • A peacemaker vs a problem creator.

  • Willing to suffer vs comfort seeker

  • Misunderstand and misinterpreted vs joyfully complete by pleasing everyone else.

Matthew 5:1-12

I believe the blessing and fortune that Jesus mentions in this passage is limited in experience by how far out as we’re willing to envision. How forward thinking are? I’m sure there are plenty events that we are all planning for, hoping for and are excited for.

I see my kids and wonder what they will end up doing with their life, who they will marry, how many grandkids will we have and of course questioning if I’m working and saving enough to help those events happen. But if I were truly understanding the perspective Jesus is coming from in this passage, I would connect the promise and gift of the next life and allow that to impact my perspective of this life.

This past Sunday Pastor Bradley challenged us with living a life that’s full of an attitude of gratitude and how it’s not just expressions that need to be said, but a life that expresses a Thanks-living lifestyle. Which will progresses and ultimately share the thankfulness we have towards Jesus, because of what He will give us, and not limited to what He has already given us.

I pray you that you can see the opposition that is fighting against the path that Jesus identifies that will lead to a fortunate and truly blessed life.