
There seems to always be a moment of “aw” when people old or young come into an environment that echos the sounds that they produce. There’s always second take to produce a noise that seems to be ten times louder than we normally are. If we’re honest, we’re probably making sounds to echo because of the power it represents. Did you know that sound travels at a rate of a 1,000 feet per second. That is an amazing strength of endurance. Now picture your life as an echo of God’s Word. If our conduct is consistent with His word, our strength and endurance would never lack purpose therefore avoiding confusion and frustration in life.

1 Peter 2:12

The first couple of words in this passage almost come off like Jews are just suppose to act right in front Gentiles, but the first word “Keep” actually means to echo. So if we are to echo our conduct from honor, we must first identify the source that we are going to honor. The word Christian means we are suppose to be Christ-like. So we are suppose to look and live like the image of Christ. In the end of this verse we will see God’s power turn the heart of those who mock us into another source of glorify for Himself, if we echo Him with our lives.

So pray and know that your job of being blameless is not so you dodge hardship or fault, but so God can use the power of an echo for His message to be heard.