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Consistently Seeking

Matthew 13:1-9

This passage of Scripture highlights to the sower of seeds; it could also be titled as “The Four Soils” or “The Soil of Your Heart”. Which would definitely bring our attention to the character of our heart along with what we’re allowing to be placed in our heart. The outcome of the four different soils also reveals which soil we are consistently living in. 

Earlier in the day, Jesus gave a clear challenge to the religious leaders and the people to believe in who He is, the Son of God and where He was from, the kingdom of God. What happened next was like an unofficial agreement from the people and Jesus switches His approach to the people maybe because of the lack of their commitment. 

One thing just recently sticks out to me in this. The people came to Jesus even when he wasn’t doing anything miraculous. The verse says that he came “out of the house and sat by the sea”. We need to be so interested in Jesus that we come to Him even when it seems that He’s not doing anything. 

We need to be that faithful in seeking Him so nothing else has an opportunity to hinder the growth of our relationship with Him. Too often we put the seed of the gospel in the ground of our heart and we pay it no more attention. 

Pray for God’s Spirit to build up your desire for His presence.