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Struggle to Believe

There are many things we struggle with in this life. We struggle with using our finances, we struggle with what we should be doing with our lives and the biggest of all we struggle with what we believe. Sometime the struggle is not the acceptance of a belief, but it can be a struggle to let what we believe influence and lead our actions. This was exactly the struggle king Herod had.

In Mark 6:14-20 Herod struggled with interpreting the reality of who Jesus is. At the heart of his struggle was the sin that he knew he had. He admitted to murdering John the baptist, in of a moment leadership that he encountered with no foundation to stand on other than protecting his own honor.

Herod was perplexed by John’s preaching yet he enjoyed it and kept listening to him, but he never allowed his belief to settle with God’s Word. If we don’t work through the struggle through what we need to give up and do with our life because of our belief, we will not know how to handle or interpret the reality that going on in our life. Peter wrote that we should make our calling and and choice of salvation sure and if we practice the qualities that come with the belief of God’s Word we will never fall (2 Peter 1:10).