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Return to Rest

Today you may be ready for the weekend and a release from work and other responsibilities. All of us carry a load of a mentally burden, maybe more than we are aware of at times. We might even be more surprised at how draining it can be to work and live. The disciples and Jesus were no different. Jesus instructed His disciples to come to a desolate place to sit and rest.

Mark 6:30-32

The word that Mark used for “returned” really meant when they had returned back together. We always tend put a destination on our ability to relax, but we need pay more attention to who we are with. The disciples were with Jesus, while they were with Him they shared what they had said and done for His glory. Galatians 6:6 says “Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.” When we treat Jesus as though we assume He knows everything we do, which He does, we hinder or dissolve the relationship we have with Him. When separate from that relationship we can’t but help work from our own ability. No wonder we are so tired.

Seek rest by being with Christ this weekend. Not just by being at church where His Word is spoken but you being with Him as you pray about the life He has given you and the work and words you do for His glory.