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Be a Servant

Have you ever had an internal or external struggle determining your status in life. Probably more times than not we work ourselves up with stress and worry competing for the status we want. In a life reflective of Jesus as well as dependent on Jesus, there is a position that we need never to forget and that position is found in the status of being a servant.

Mark 9:33-37

Jesus like any wise and helpful parent or teacher creates an opportunity for honesty and correction to be given and recieved. Jesus asked the disciples what they were arguing about, and that simple question seemed to have the clarifying affect on the disciples. They didn’t answer Jesus as though they already knew they were wrong for arguing over who would be the greatest. The disciples allowed there humanity to paint a picture of the of the possibilities that come with a status rather than the opportunities to serve because of their status.

In Isaiah 42:1 God proclaims an amazing position coupled with an amazing outcome all wrapped up in one single verse. God identifies His servant as someone who He upholds, who He has chosen, who He delights in and places his Spirit upon. The outcome of that servant will also bring forth justice to the nations. This call is a direct foreshadowing of Jesus, but we as believers and followers of Jesus should immolate his presence and replicate His work. We should pray that God’s Word leads our work for His service rather producing work for our own income.