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The Walk of Life

How we walk in this life is far more important than we pay attention to. Many of us probably walk more by the mindset of getting something done rather than doing something well. Paul highlights three ways in which we should walk and if we implement these three characteristics in our life I believe we walk away from things that are meaningless and fortify us from being or feeling worthless.

Ephesians 5:1-21

Walk in...

The first characteristic is that we should walk in love. I saw a quote that caught my attention today. It stated that “working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion. At first glance I thought “Yes, this is so true.” Then later on I was reminded of a passage of scripture that Paul wrote to Timothy. He charged Timothy to “Endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus… (1 Timothy 2:10). Love is not just something that we work towards and care about, but it is something that we give to others.

The second is that we should walk in the light of Christ. God uses this passage of Scripture to teach us something. The light is not just a clear and present step, but it is a clear and present to step in the directions of what is good, right and true. Our culture has a hard time getting to the full definition of things sometimes. Getting something done might be acceptable sometimes but many times it’s at the sacrifice of it being right and true.

The last characteristic is walking in wisdom. Many of us have our go-to individuals when we need some advice. But obtaining wisdom may not be as hard as you think. It’s always good to learn from the mistakes of others, but God’s word in this passage says that the wise path can be experienced by simply using your time wisely. When we use our time wisely we can still do everything that needs to be done in order to gain the wisdom, but it leaves out the prideful position of not needing others or help to get the wisdom. There is a proverb that King Solomon recored, He said “Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” (Proverbs 22:29) If there’s anywhere to gain some time back, it’s the time we give to those who are of obscure, wrong and faulty beliefs that lead us away from God.

Walk in these ways so that your walk away from what meaningless and fortify yourself from being or feeling worthless.