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The Mind of Christ

In Philippians 2:1-5 Paul wrote that we should live a life that reflects the mind of Christ. To achieve this mindset Paul said that we must do nothing out selfish ambition. This is a hard concept to grasp in a culture that is extremely worried about perception and achievement. In order for us to see the peaceful path that comes with a mind of Christ we need to take a step and change our perspective to see how God has created the elements of this life to be intended.

In order to take a complete step you need the function of two feet to move. Although it feels like a fluid and single motion you can not fully be in a new position without moving both feet. This allows a new perspective to achieved. To take a step in the mindset of Christ you need a renewed mind and submissive mind to allow you to see and live out this life that God desires to bless you with Romans 12:2.

If you fail to renew your mind or reasoning of why you do the things you do you will never begin to understand or see God as a part of your life, as well as never begin to please Him Romans 8:5-8. God has designed us to have a one track mind, we just need to stay committed to keep Jesus as the focus of our mind.