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When we hear the term “command” most of us naturally think of a military scenario, and the rest of us are discerning how we’re going to express that “no one tells me what to do”. But isn’t it interesting that on one side people are so caught up in themselves that they ignore the results of commands which are power, accomplishment and respect the very things they desire.

My dad was in the army reserves for several years. He just recently told me about a time when he was at a base participating in some training exercise and the entire base which was several platoons which resulted in several hundred men reporting to the field in formation. This moment wasn’t quite like any other experience because a General was on base. As my dad and the several hundred other men snapped to attention my dad realized and witnessed the presence of power being under control and housed one individual.

Of course all the Sargents and other ranking officers had always been giving orders which resulted in conditioning of the bodies and minds of the soldiers but the source and reason for those orders was now present and even they snapped to attention. Solomon instructs us to keep our father’s commands in Proverbs 6:20-23. He says commands are like a lamp, although a lamp is something that produces light, it is also a structure that holds the oil and keeps from being consumed too fast or wasted on the ground.

The commands of God are what we need in our life, they helps us hold on to what is good, and keep us from consume it too fast or wasting it all at once. See the power, accomplishments and respect of a command so you may experience those elements in your life.