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Baptism is an actions that is approached and expressed because of our belief. There are some who struggle in their lead up to being baptized because of the focus that will be on them, and that has a tendency to over power the reflection and focus we are to have of Christ. It’s almost as though we’re paralyzed and lost with the pressure of good things that we are suppose to produce, which we should produce, but we miss the motivation of those actions being a gift and act of sacrifice for the worship of our Savior. Maybe this inability is being produced in new believers due to the disconnect and concern between believers.

Acts 8:26-31 tells of an interaction between Philip and an Ethiopian Eunuch. The raw outlook of this passage is a believer following the lead of the Spirit to go and interact with a mere passing individual. As Philip got closer and heard the reading of scripture from Isaiah he merely filled in the missing pieces to help the Ethiopian understand how the passage referred to Jesus. He then proceed to explain the good news of Jesus and the Ethiopian chose to be baptized (Acts 8:32-38).

Our goal as believers needs to be built around sharing what we’ve learned through Christ with each other which feeds the encouragement in others. This allows a new believers to see the support that is around them and not just the expectation from them.