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Fear of God

Solomon thought it prudent to express that the fear of God is beginning of wisdom. Many people simplify or flat out ignore this truth and rely on their feelings to get through life. I’ve always told college students that emotions are important but never strong enough to run your life. Although they are signals for us to help navigate from moment to moment there are some emotions and situations that must be endured to the end, like dealing with the reality of death in your own family.

Sometimes death catches us early and others are left with the question, “what do I do now?”. The fear of God is that helpful leadership that informs us what to keep out of our life, but should never lead us to keep God out of our life.

Sometimes it’s not the fear of God that keeps away from Him, but merely the desires that increase our dreams that pull us away from God, and our fear of life without God is silenced, because we think our work will be enough.

Solomon’s words in Ecclesiastes 5:7 express that dreams lead us to many words of vanity, but it is the fear of a life without God to be feared. Because of the grace and mercy that he provides for us.

Your fear of God needs to be defined by what is lost if He was not in your life.