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It’s been said that our thoughts can lead us to sin, but there are some thoughts that are sin. Jesus said if a man lust after a woman in his heart, which starts in the mid, He says it is sin. And Proverbs 21:4 says that Haughty eyes and a proud heart… are sin. Each of these reflective thoughts would be seen as confidence in our society, but living a life that gives glory to God relies on His confidence being our confidence.

Did you know there is another definition for the term perspective. Originally we would think of an attitude held by an individual, but it is also an artistic word. A perspective is also a drawing on a two dimensional surface that reflects the proper three dimensional proportions of an object.

Our life does not need to reflect us as higher than those around or so self-confident that we attempt to live as though we need no one else other than ourselves. Instead we should be living a life that reflects the humility of a God who came to lead his people by example and was motivated by His love for his creation to bring them into His holy presence.

As you pray for your life, ask God that others would see the perspective of Him being shown out of your life.