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There are a lot of different facets to leadership and today I just want to highlight the ability and action of Abram, who was soon to be called Abraham. He lead for the purpose of others and achieved to give glory of God.

At first glance Abram appears to be a wondering rancher. He was very wealthy as far as possessions go and the size of his household. But his ability to rescue Lot truly speaks to the type proactive thinking had he used to leader his family.

In Genesis 14 the storyline is that it was the season of war in the valley. Several kings grouped together and created a battle with two sides. The kingdom of Sodom where Lot chose to live was defeated and the inhabitants along with Lot and all his processions were taken captive.

Abram is informed by one of the individuals who escaped and he immediately sprung into action like a war general responding to a signal of an impending force.

There were 318 trained men that Abram had as a part of his household. It’s not that he went out and acquired them, but they were born in his household. Meaning that their parents were servants to Abram.

Abram successfully lead these men plus one another group of partnering soldiers to retrieve Lot and his possessions along with a plunder of their own. On their return Abram was met by the king of Sodom and Melchizedek the king of Salem, who is seen as a figure of Jesus in the Old Testament. The king of Sodom wanted to make a deal with Abram to enrich him more than he currently was. But Abram’s trust was solely on the Lord.

The progressive goal of life is not to hold onto achievements or things given to us, but to leverage what is in our possession to help and influence the life of those connected to us for God’s glory.