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Names of God

As believers in Christ Jesus we should be in place that we know God, and to a degree we do because we have made a decision at a moment in time where we have experienced God. But what comes next after we first experience God? We’re told to tell our story of allowing God to come in our life, but sometimes I think we just want to leave our knowledge of God where we find it, because we’re not humble enough to realize that we still need more of Him.

In Old Testament there are twenty one unique names that refer to God. If anything reveals our knowledge of God, it’s for sure knowing His name. Try not sell yourself too short, you probably know more of His name than you think. Many people know the name Abba which means father (Romans 8:15) and some of the other names like Jehovah-Rohi which means the Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23:1-3). One name I discovered just yesterday is El-Roi which means the God who sees me (Genesis 16:11-14). As children we all desire to be seen by our Father and to be a delight to him. Nothing gives more joy to child than love from their parents.

The biggest thing about knowing all the names of God is that by knowing them, we know His character. In the ancient times, or Ancient of Days (another name of God), names reflected the whole character of an individual. In our day we tend to look for the pretty sound or just a good meaning but their names had some depth to who individuals it gave an expectation.

One last name is Jireh or Jehovah-Jireh which means the Lord will provide (Genesis 22:13-14, Psalm 23). If you know any of the names of God, know this one and expect God to provide for you. If you need something to help you pause and search into this name check out this song called Jireh. You will truly have no reason to give your burdens to Him to get you through.