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Boldness is a characteristic that people tend to think they need or wish they had more of, but for most individuals it’s there it’s just being misused. In 1 Corinthians 6 Paul confronts the church as they “dare” go before law of the unrighteous to settle disputes, which Paul is pointing out that they were using the law of the world rather than the law of God. You might not know it but that word “dare” means to be bold. We know a dare will bring out boldness, but we also look at the dare as an option, when in reality you’re going to be bold about something.

The church was losing strength because the people were more bold for their own feelings and desires and rather than what they knew about God. Living a life of faith towards Christ is not focused on your feelings towards circumstance, but to what we know about God regardless of our circumstances.

Through out chapter six Paul makes one expression six times that would express a higher expectation from the life of a believer. The expression is “do you not know”. Much of these statements could be referred to those rhetorical questions a parent will ask a child who knew full well what they were doing and rejecting. Too often our response will be more focused on what we wanted rather than what we know.

Make your concern to know God so your ability to navigate disputes and issues can still be glorifying to God and show His strength and power in our lives.