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Watch & Waiting

When living through faith there tends to be two primary responses, being bold and acting in faith when logic does not seem to totally add up, or the least favorite response of faith, which is simply watching and waiting. To have the ability to watch for God may be the top shelf faith we all need. Don’t get me wrong most of us need a kick in the pants to mix the ability to pray like it depends on God with working like it depends on us, but to watch for God’s movement can truly give way to the bold movements we need to take with our faith.

Psalm 5 is a short but pointed song from David. In verse three he expresses twice that “in the morning” or rather the first thing that is on David’s mind is to cry to God. Not just acknowledging him or thanking him for another day, but crying out for God’s Spirit and strength. David knew and experienced that each day is a battle, we fight a battle in our mind, we fight a battle of emotion which may or may not be caused by those who oppose us.

You may think that starting off the day like that is a bit much, but we need to understand that it is surely not. In 2 Corinthians 2:4 Paul states that the weapon for our warfare is not merely knowledge but a divine weapon that destroys strongholds that simply are not God.

David continues to express that after he cries out to God that he prepares a sacrifice and watches. Our willingness to serve God needs to follow David’s process. First we need to decide what we are giving to God and simply give it (2 Cor. 9:7). Secondly we need to watch where God interacts or prepares an opportunity for us to give. In Mark 14:3-9 is that passage of Jesus being anointed, but not by a priest or Peter, arguably his lead disciple, but by someone willing to give what she had. This anointing surely showed honor especially because of monetary value, but Jesus said her actions would be recorded forever because of the honor she gave and our actions of giving could change someone's eternity (Hebrews 6:10).

So as we watch for God let us not watch with the focus of receiving but also giving.