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Let your faith find rest

The key to experiencing rest can be a little bit tricky. Most people would agree that rest is simply the lack of movement. Although we need rest everyday, that is not the only type of rest we need to pay attention to. Our faith needs to have rest, but the rest it needs is not achieved by the lack of movement. So how does our faith achieve rest?

In 1 Cor 2:1-5 Paul wrote to the church he planted in Corinth and reminded them of his first interaction with them while focusing all his teaching on Christ crucified and nothing else and really encouraged them to deal with the Holy Spirit themselves. He wanted them to internally deal with the emotions and questions of God, by themselves. Why? So that their faith would find rest in the power of God rather than the ways of man.

There are two definitions I would like to challenge. The definition of faith tends simply to be what you believe, but I would take it a step further. Faith is our doctrine or the logic that we use everyday. It will lead you to actions that can only be explained with “because I believe in Jesus”. Because I believe in Jesus, I pray with my kids every night. Because I believe in Jesus, I love my wife in such a way that leads my joy to provide for her. Because I believe in Jesus I will try to influence strangers through love rather than snobbish criticism.

Secondly the word Paul used for rest actually means to copy or be identical to. Following Jesus means there are things we let him decide for us. And let's be honest when we’re resting that's exactly what we want. What four star resorts encourage their patrons to fetch their own sheets or cook their own meals. Following Jesus fits a certain lifestyle. But the definition also has second hand meaning, to exist without contingency. When it comes to our faith, there is nothing else that we strive to experience other than experiencing Jesus. Paul said to live is Christ and to die is gain. Either way Jesus is that experience that gives rest in this life and the next.

Pray that your rest causes your meditation on God’s word. So you can experience His blessing of peace in other areas of life other than salvation that we wait to receive.