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It’s no secret that diligence can lead to achievement. We are captivated by stories and movies that that reflect an overwhelming diligence. Hidden Figures is one of my favorite movies about achievement: Three black woman help pave the way to eventually alter society by their mere diligence and resilience to be great at their jobs and reached higher positions. The Bible also proclaims that rewards go to the diligent. Proverbs 12:24 says that the diligent will rule, and three verses later Solomon also says that the diligent receive precious wealth. So diligence is defiantly something that we all need to figure out, if we plan on being successful at all with the life that God has given to us. What we need to know is that diligence has a line forward and backward. Looking forward obviously leads to a tangible position or goal of success that is seen, but looking backward reveals what grabbed a hold of your love. 

Psalm 77 is written by Asaph, the lead worship leader who was placed by King David. His Psalm expresses the battle of diligence when things were not joyful. He expresses the hardship of remembering God and His word and it only causing him to moan and feel faint. This can be the experience of our faith sometimes, we need and desire to be refreshed but the truth and reality of God’s Word is too big for us and he just feel helpless. But with diligence and focus on God brings out a path to follow that leads to light and that is what Asaph expressed in the last few lines. Here is Asaph’s close, “...your path through the great waters: yet your footprints were unseen. You led your people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.” Even when the evidence of God seems to not be there, His leadership can still be experienced.

I pray they your diligence to seek God never quits, and the love that you experienced with Him encourages you to keep striving to seek Him.