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The Cleansing & The Calling

Our human rationality of a prerequisite to be qualified for positions of power tends to be determined by an individuals standard of ethics, especially for traditionally pure positions like law enforcement pastors and politicians. This is not an improper way of approaching someone’s qualifications, in fact it must be there. But as christians or even unbelievers we need not think that we must clean up our habits before God will reveal Himself to us.

In Isaiah 6 we see the vision of God revealing His presence to Isaiah. At first glance of the passage you might think that Isaiah was cleansed so he could go and be God’s messenger, but if we pay attention closely, the cleansing of Isaiah was do to his realization and response of being in the presence of God.

We can’t miss that God revealed Himself to Isaiah cleansed him and required nothing else of him. The calling that Isaiah accepted was because he stayed in the presence of God. This is the love of God, that He reveals himself cleanses us and when we’ve accepted it we just want to stay with Him. Only during that process will receive a God ordained calling from Him.

Staying in the presence of God means that their is a growing desire in you to know more of Him. It’s more than just the curious questions of what He’s going to lead your life through. Many times we leave knowing Him at being curious about what habits we need to bring in or leave out of our life. Linger in the presence of God, don’t let your curiosity be the driving force that brings you to God, but let it be the love that God first displayed.