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System Check

It’s always intriguing to learn or experience someone else's system that they use in life or in the work place. We can always learn something from others if we’re willing to search hard enough. I believe paying attention is key, not only what we learn, but also what systems we need to be a part of or take from.

In Ephesians 2:1-3 we see the one systems of this world presented. Pauls is both warning non believers of Jesus Christ and reminding believers what the outcome of sin is and who’s system it is a part of.

He reveals that following the desires of thee body and of the mind are fully a part of the system of Lucifer. The angel who tried to challenge God to receive not just his own glory but more glory. The goal of his system is simply to please every passion of the flesh with no consideration of anything or anyone else.

As we look around today we have plenty of that driving the masses of this world. Running parallel to the chase of pleasure seems to be an equal experience of depression and loss of life and meaning. Therefore leaving people stuck in a perpetual problem never finding hope or fulfillment.

If we stay diligent in scripture God’s hope and life giving message is never far off from passages full of strife and sin. In Ephesians 2:4-10 we see God’s system of mercy, love, hope and life. All of the elements we all desire to experience is based on our belief of who Jesus is. The Son of God, the perfecter and author of our faith and payment to receive the glory that God gives.

So what system are you letting lead you in this life is it unrestrained passions or is a life defining belief that glorifies God alone? Stay diligent in the God’s word to see how keep God’s system in place.