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Conform to be comforted

Maybe one of the most known phrases of believers is from Romans 12:2 that expresses not to be conformed to this world. The interesting thing that we don’t catch onto is that we’re wired to conform to something in order to get comfort. We just need to pay attention to what we are conforming too.

In the Old Testament God clearly tells Israel not to conform to the practices of other nations around them (Lev. 20:23), but after a couple of generations we see Israel acting just like the nations around them (2 Kings17:15). Israel had God’s amazing blessing upon them when they followed God’s word. I can’t help but wonder if Israel’s failure to conform to the world around them was due to an older generations hunger and want for power. Therefore refusing to show how they were blessed as a nation by God.

As much as we are warned not to conform to the world around us, we are still commanded to conform, but the focus is to the mind of Christ. Paul mentions this several times to multiple crowds to conform to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29, 13:14; 1 Cor. 11:1, Eph. 5:1-2, Php. 2:5).

So how many family head aches and heart aches can be avoided if we as the leading generation trusted God’s word train up our children in the way that they should go and watch them experience and trust God.