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Assumption of Power

When people get into trouble, whether it be financial, legal or relational there is one big concept, that if misunderstood it could lead to utter destruction and unforeseen and unwanted set backs. The concept is the assumption of power, and like all gambles the bigger the stage the bigger the cost.

1 Kings 1

The two opposing powers in this passage are Adonijah and Solomon. Both of them are sons of king David, but only one of them takes the effort to assume the throne of their father. David is on his death Adonijah takes it upon himself plan his own party and blessing as to place himself as king, but God has instructed David that Solomon was to follow him as king of Israel and David shared this vision to Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother (1 Chronicles 22:8-10). This proclamation didn’t stay simply between them, because Nathan the prophet comes to the aid of Bathsheba and tells her respectfully remind the king of his word. It appears that Adonijah knew something of it as well as he invited all the other royal positions exempt Solomon and his mother.

To assume a position, by definition is to do so without evidence. Just as quickly as Adonijah assumed the throne, God’s promise to David was made a reality and Adonijah’s appearance of power disappeared along with all his royal guest, so they could preserve there lives and positions, because it was a normal custom for a new king to exile or utterly defeat any opposition to his power. If we do not wait for God to give us particular positions of power, even if our assumed position has seemed to go unnoticed for some time, when God moves in power it will be as though we never had the power at all.

So let us pray to accept positions of power through the evidence that is the timing and effort of God. Because for Solomon it was his father who willing handed the power over and his mother who loved him and helped initiate the process. We don’t know what Solomon was doing on the day that these events took place, but by looking at the first prayer from Solomon to ask for wisdom to lead, he had to of been totally focused only on the power the that was given to him, not the power that was beyond him.