The gospel is…
The good news of Jesus, the most important news that people need. It brings a hope that endures, a joy to experience and share, and a defining purpose for a life to live. Life as we know it has a problem, that none of us have the power to fix. But God made a way through Jesus to make us whole and right with Him.
Is a gift, but we are brought into this world in fallen and destructive state, that diminishes the value and focus of life because of sin (Romans 3:23). Because of this state our outlook on life is hindered from seeing and following the truth (Prov. 14:12).
Is the thread that is found throughout the entirety of the Bible. He is the only Son of God (Mark 9:7). He is the atonement in which God forgives us of our sin (John1:29). He is the one in whom we believe and trust our life with (Romans 10:9).
Life in Christ…
Is the only way to experience life to the fullest (John 10:10). When we accept and come to the realization that the teachings of Jesus give us life, we experience a newness that only God can give. (2 Cor. 5:17).
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